Crane AccidentFeatured ArticlesNews female operator escapes with her life written by Ernie Pierini July 22, 2010 The Daily Mail has reported that a female crane operator survived a 100m fall from the top of a 33-storey building and survived. Two co-workers died in the collapse. Read More female operator escapes with her life was last modified: July 23rd, 2010 by Ernie Pierini Crane AccidentCrane businesscrane industry newsCrane SafetySafetytower crane 0 comment 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest Ernie Pierini previous post Tower Crane Safety next post Crane safety alert on the effects of wind You may also like Crane goes over the edge January 10, 2011 Fatal crane overturn in Alaska November 7, 2011 Jost loses its jib in London April 18, 2013 Business Lessons From My Garden October 15, 2012 How do I get over my ex who likes someone else April 27, 2009 Crane flips into canal February 4, 2013 Miraculous escape May 8, 2012 NCCCO Issues Statement About Type and Capacity Certification Issue November 1, 2012 All mobile cranes in workplaces to be equipped with data loggers: MOM April 14, 2015 Overloading blamed for NY crane collapse January 11, 2013