Liebherr-Werk Nenzing has won Austria’s State prize for Environmental & Energy Technology, for its Pactronic hydraulic hybrid drive for cranes.
The prize which is only awarded every two years was announced earlier this week at an awards ceremony in Vienna, with Liebherr taking the Energy & Efficiency category.
The award was presented by Austria’s minister for economic affairs Reinhold Mitterlehner and was accepted by Liebherr’s director of drive systems Klaus Schneider and Reinhard Krappinger managing director technology.

(L-R) Klaus Schneider and Reinhard Krappinger of Liebherr accept the award from Reinhold Mitterlehner
Mitterlehner said: “Having built up its know-how for many years Liebherr has now converted it into a ground-breaking innovation so setting new standards especially in energy efficiency. Eco-innovations safeguard qualified jobs, make Austria more competitive on the international market and are a key factor for achieving energy and climate objectives”.
Among other innovative features, Pactronic uses an accumulator to store energy from reverse/negative functions such as braking and load lowering for use when lifting and driving.
Liebherr-Werk Nenzing produces mobile harbour cranes, duty cycle crawler cranes, reach stackers and cargo handling machinery for maritime, mining, material handling and deep foundation industries. In 2011 Nenzing revenues were €876 million of which 99 percent was exported.
Author; Unknown